Pasta with Fennel and Tomato Sauce

Pasta with Fennel and Tomato Sauce

4.7 51 értékelés
Előkészítés 25p
Összesen 45p
4 portions


  • dried fennel seeds
    1 tsp
  • oil
    20 g
  • onions halved then sliced (5 mm)
    60 g
  • fennel bulb sliced (2-3 cm), fronds reserved for garnishing
    400 g
  • sugar
    20 g
  • tinned chopped tomatoes
    400 g
  • tomato purée
    20 g
  • water plus extra for cooking pasta
    100 g
  • fine sea salt plus extra to taste and for cooking pasta
    1 tsp
  • ground black pepper plus extra to taste
    ¼ tsp
  • vegetable stock cube (for 0.5 l) crumbled
    ½ tsp vegetable stock paste, homemade
  • balsamic glaze
    2 dashes
  • dried pasta (e.g. penne)
    350 g
  • water
  • fine sea salt
  • pine nuts
    30 g
  • bocconcini drained
    125 g

Tápérték ekkora adagban: 1 portion

Kalória 551 kcal / 2324 kJ
Fehérje 20 g
Zsír 17 g
Szénhidrát 76 g
Rost 6.4 g

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