Taste of Malaysia

11 Resep

Influenced by China, India and Thailand, Malaysian food is spicy, surprising and full of flavour. These popular, authentic dishes are the perfect way to taste the local cuisine.

Soto ayam (spiced chicken soup)

Soto ayam (spiced chicken soup)


Sambal goreng (chilli stir-fried vegetables and prawns)

Sambal goreng (chilli stir-fried vegetables and prawns)

30 menit

Rendang ayam nogori (chilli padi chicken rendang)

Rendang ayam nogori (chilli padi chicken rendang)

1j 15 menit

Ayam golek (coconut roasted spiced chicken)

Ayam golek (coconut roasted spiced chicken)

3j 20 menit

Ayam masak merah (spicy tomato chicken)

Ayam masak merah (spicy tomato chicken)

1j 20 menit

Asam pedas ikan (spicy tamarind fish)

Asam pedas ikan (spicy tamarind fish)

40 menit

Pulut panggang (grilled rice packets)

Pulut panggang (grilled rice packets)

3j 30 menit

Kuih ketayap (crêpes with sweet coconut filling)

Kuih ketayap (crêpes with sweet coconut filling)

55 menit

Nasi tomato (tomato rice)

Nasi tomato (tomato rice)

40 menit

Teh tarik (pulled milk tea)

Teh tarik (pulled milk tea)

15 menit

Ayam kapitan (chicken curry)

Ayam kapitan (chicken curry)

45 menit