Mushroom and Spinach Risotto - DAPT Test 1

Mushroom and Spinach Risotto - DAPT Test 1

准备工作 10 分钟
总数 55 分钟
4 portions


  • Parmesan cheese cut in pieces (2 cm)
    50 g
  • water
    730 g
  • chestnut mushrooms quartered
    300 g
    300 g brown mushrooms, fresh, quartered
  • olive oil
    20 g
  • unsalted butter diced
    30 g
  • shallots cut in pieces (1 cm)
    40 g
  • fresh spinach leaves
    100 g
  • risotto rice (e.g. Carnaroli, 17-18 minutes cooking time)
    320 g
  • white wine
    60 g
  • vegetable stock cube (for 0.5 l) crumbled
    1 heaped tsp vegetable stock paste, homemade, crumbled
  • fine sea salt to taste
    ½ - 1 tsp

营养价值 每 1 portion

热量 476.8 kcal / 1994.7 kJ
蛋白质 12.7 g
脂肪 14.9 g
碳水化合物 70.1 g
纤维 1.3 g
饱和脂肪 6.8 g
560.4 mg


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