Let's Go Mamak

12 Công thức

From Thosai and Chapati to Mee Goreng, from Nasi Lemak and Nasi Goreng to Teh Tarik… This collection comes with guided steps for traditional Southeast Asian dishes made simpler. Get your cravings for Malay-Indian street food from Malaysia and Singapore fixed right at home with your Thermomix®!

Teh Tarik (Pulled Milk Tea)

Teh Tarik (Pulled Milk Tea)

15 phút

Mee Goreng Mamak

Mee Goreng Mamak

15 phút




Thosai (Rice and Lentil Pancakes)

Thosai (Rice and Lentil Pancakes)

9h 10 phút

Sambhar (Vegetable Dhall)

Sambhar (Vegetable Dhall)

50 phút

Moong Dhall (Green Peas Dhall)

Moong Dhall (Green Peas Dhall)

40 phút

Mango Lassi

Mango Lassi

5 phút

Chai Masala (Masala Tea)

Chai Masala (Masala Tea)

15 phút

Ayam Masak Merah (Spicy Tomato Chicken)

Ayam Masak Merah (Spicy Tomato Chicken)

1h 25 phút

Nasi Kampung (Kampung Style Fried Rice)

Nasi Kampung (Kampung Style Fried Rice)

20 phút

Nasi Lemak

Nasi Lemak

45 phút

Ais Kepal Gula Melaka (Shaved Ice with Palm Sugar Syrup)

Ais Kepal Gula Melaka (Shaved Ice with Palm Sugar Syrup)

20 phút