Thickening with TM6

19 Resep

Using the new Thicken mode on your TM6, create perfect sauces (like hollandaise), custards and curds. Add a little “saucery” to your next meal with these easy, impressive recipes.

Béchamel sauce (TM6 )

Béchamel sauce (TM6 )

15 menit

Soubise sauce

Soubise sauce

30 menit

Mushroom and white wine cream sauce

Mushroom and white wine cream sauce

30 menit

Hollandaise sauce (TM6 - Serves 2-4)

Hollandaise sauce (TM6 - Serves 2-4)

15 menit

Red capsicum and paprika hollandaise sauce

Red capsicum and paprika hollandaise sauce

15 menit

Béarnaise sauce

Béarnaise sauce

20 menit

Choron sauce (Tomato béarnaise)

Choron sauce (Tomato béarnaise)

20 menit

Cheese Béchamel sauce (TM6)

Cheese Béchamel sauce (TM6)

15 menit

Crème pâtissière

Crème pâtissière

15 menit

Dairy free chocolate coconut custard

Dairy free chocolate coconut custard

15 menit

Crème anglaise

Crème anglaise

15 menit

Classic zabaglione

Classic zabaglione

15 menit

Orange liqueur zabaglione

Orange liqueur zabaglione

15 menit

Lemon curd (TM6)

Lemon curd (TM6)

15 menit

Berry curd

Berry curd

15 menit

Harlequin custard (TM6)

Harlequin custard (TM6)

15 menit

Custard (TM6)

Custard (TM6)

15 menit

Runny custard

Runny custard

15 menit

Brandy custard (TM6)

Brandy custard (TM6)

15 menit