Steam it Up in a Cup

8 Công thức

Silicone egg cups are ideal for whipping up a quick breakfast, brunch, appetizer or even a satisfying afterschool snack. From Steamed Egg Cups and Lemon Glazed Blueberry Muffins to Eggplant Stacks and Scallion Rolls, make it easy, make it quick and Steam it up in a Cup!

Eggplant Stacks

Eggplant Stacks

1h 35 phút

Shrimp and Parmesan Polenta Cups

Shrimp and Parmesan Polenta Cups

45 phút

Brown Sugar Date Muffins

Brown Sugar Date Muffins

1h 15 phút

Crème Caramel

Crème Caramel

3h 50 phút

Lemon Glazed Blueberry Muffins

Lemon Glazed Blueberry Muffins

50 phút

Steamed Egg Cups

Steamed Egg Cups

20 phút

Steamed Frittata Egg Cups

Steamed Frittata Egg Cups

45 phút

Steamed Scallion Rolls

Steamed Scallion Rolls
