Thermomix® It Yourself!

Whether it's for a birthday or just to say thank you, homemade gifts are always appreciated. Delight your friends and family with some foodie presents made in your Thermomix®!

Delicious cookies

Bite-sized treats

The finishing touches

Wrapping your homemade gifts in beautiful paper and decorating them with ribbons and personalised tags will finish them off perfectly. Choose designs and colours that match the time of year or occasion; if you're struggling for ideas, take a look at our tips and tricks for some more inspiration.

Let's Get Started

Do you have a sweet tooth or are savoury dishes more your thing?

Granola for every occasion

Get wrapping!

Fancy going one step further and making your own gift wrap? Great idea! Check out our easy guide and have a go at making your own.

Get Started

Homemade basics

Make your own jam!

Preparation is key!

Before you transfer your homemade gifts to jars or containers, it's really important to make sure they're all safe to store food in. If jars are not properly sterilised, the bacteria inside can cause mould growth. Sterilise them with heat to remove all bacteria and protect your gifts.