Iced Tea with a Honey and Mint Syrup and Fruit Ice Cubes

Iced Tea with a Honey and Mint Syrup and Fruit Ice Cubes

4.3 6 评分
准备工作 10 分钟
总数 3小时 40 分钟
8 glasses


Fruit Ice Cubes
  • mixed fresh berries (a selection of raspberries, blackberries and blueberries)
  • water
  • water cold
    2000 g
  • green tea teabags
Honey and Mint Syrup
  • fresh mint leaves
    30 g
  • granulated sugar
    100 g
  • honey
    80 g
  • water
    180 g
  • lemon juice (approx. 2 lemons)
    50 g
To Serve
  • fresh mint leaves for garnish
    8 sprigs

营养价值 每 1 glass

热量 93.4 kcal / 396.4 kJ
蛋白质 0.4 g
脂肪 0.1 g
碳水化合物 22 g
纤维 1 g
饱和脂肪 0 g
3.8 mg


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